Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ready To Range For Profit

The brooding stage of chicks is the most important phase of growing. This is the make or break in their growth's takeoff.

1) Heat - the light in brooder cages are not there for them to see. They need the heat from those bulbs keep them warm and comfortable. If they feel cold or too warm, they don't eat nor move around. They push against each other to get air or to get warmth. They should be comfortable in their surrounding's temperature.

2) Space Requirement - They need to play and move around easily. With proper space requirements of 1ft/bird, they have the room to mingle, exercise and eat without having to wrestle for space.

3) Feeds and Water - Adlibitum feeding means they always have feeds in their feeders. They eat all the time and they need that to make them strong for their ranging days. Have clean drinking water all the time.

4) Beddings - These keep them warm and dry. Make sure it is always clean. Yes your Sunshines are strong and disease resistant for the most part...but you have to exercise biosecurity and proper poultry management.

5) Vaccinate - We personally do not vaccinate, but check if you need, depending on your location and neighbors.

6) Observe - Keenly keep an eye on them. You will understand your flock when you are intouch.

Most people are afraid of brooding, or fail in this area. Most difficult and important 3weeks. Proper brooding is the cheapest way to successful raising of your Sunshines.

Some people have seen this opportunity of livelihood. They are good in brooding. Less time and space is needed before they harvest :)

They brood and sell their ready to range Sunshines at a profit of course. The customers are more than willing to do away with the brooding. Downside is you can't be sure how the 3weeks were done...feeding etc. Trust is a factor.