Sunday, September 20, 2009

Guess What?

Can you think of what new strains we are adding to our Sunshine Dayold Chicks line?

This week we get our new Certified Parent Stocks. When we say COMING SOON, it is, because it will be landed. Just like birth certificates, they are named as Solraya babies.

We are named as importer and not just the trader nor salesman :) So you know you are dealing with us directly.

We will be happy to show you our importation papers, naming Solraya as the importer and verifiable with the Bureau of Animal Industry.


  1. I still hate surpises

    fely-bacolod city

  2. Why didn't I think that Tasty was you?????

    I love surprises. Even if you sent me a match stick, I will be elated :)

    How do you get an avatar?
