Friday, December 09, 2011

Growing Sideways

Been quiet as I felt having reached a plateau in terms of sharing our experiences and knowledge for pasturing chickens.

Growing sideways..yes it may mean waistlines hahahhha.  But also, while we were focusing growing taller, we forgot that as you trim the sides, it gets bushy and lush too. Next thing we knew, the sideway growth can't be stopped and widened our vision.

We have shared all we know and went through over the years. Started in pastured chickens in 2000 and since 2010 it looked like we are being brought to another phase...not just chickens but organic agriculture in general.  That has been taking a lot of time and energy...and I tell you, enjoying the shift of work.

In the past months, we have also started contributing to magazines.  It makes our advocacy of marketing organic agriculture easier as we have the opportunity of visibility.

Love this blog, blogging and the people I've met who had been following us over the years.  Not saying goodbye ...just moving on to another blog that will give me more flexibility on topics..meaning I can write about anything organic :)  The new blog had been created, nothing there yet as I wanted to close this before moving.  Can't have two masters at the same time :)

Please feel free to read over the archives here.  The data, information hasn't changed.  Pasturing chicken is older than all of us and has remained to be the same.  IF there will be major changes that I feel you have to know, it will be posted here :)

Email me  Our monthly seminars will cease and we will now incorporate that with the scheduled seminars for SOAP.

Thank you so much for the company...but I will also invite you to keep me company in the new page up very soon!  As Pamela Henares' daughter said.."Birds of the same feeder...palakpalak togider" :) am sure you will still want to join us in anything organic.