Saturday, November 12, 2011

Next Write Route

Been very busy lately, and just recently came from Tarlac for the 8th National Organic Agriculture Conference.  I was there primarily for Spread Organic Agriculture in the Philippines (SOAP) and my editor for Agriculture Magazine, Zac Sarian said I should write about it.

I am not apt to write about the event per se, but will want to touch on the takes I got, speaking with the different sectors.

BTW, if you want to see the photos taken during the 8th  NOAC:  

For FOOD Magazine, Nana Ozaeta gave me THE_Camote to write about!  Perfect timing, as we at SOAP had been working on this.  Short article, direct to the point and visuals should be able to capture the reader....that is why I asked for a photographer to please do it for me :)

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Seminar: "Urban Edible Gardens for Food Security", November 26

DATE : November 26, 2011, 8am-5pm
VENUE: Agribusiness Center, Department of Agriculture, Elliptical Road/Visayas Ave
SPEAKER: Perrine Collin of Cabiokid Foundation

Training and hands-on demonstration on vegetable planting in urban areas even with limited space. Ms. Perrine of Cabiokid will discuss and demonstrate how best to utilize your limited space to growing your vegetables and other food crops by using materials available in your kitchen and surrounding areas (used plastic containers, tires, boxes, and others). She will also demonstrate how to produce at least 40kgs of camote within one cropping time by using two to three tires piled up in a very limited space.

Training Activities/Module

Morning Session:

1) Introduction

2) Permaculture, a system to organize your garden
3) Management of Resources in Urban Areas
a) How to harvest water
b) Clay Irrigation System (how to harvest clay irrigation system
adapted to small garden)
2) Soil Management
a) Theory on soil
b) Presentation on different kinds of compost
c) Hands on preparation/making of kitchen compost
Afternoon Session:
3) Theory and discussions on concoctions
4) Lasagna bedding and square gardening (actual demonstration on the preparation of lasagna beddings and actual planting of the vegetables)
5) Discussions and/or hands-on demonstration on how to use/maximize space for planting vegetables
a) Climbing plants on structure (power point presentation)
b) Hanging pots (power point presentation)
c) Kamote tower (hands-on demonstration)
d) Bottle Tower (hands-on for participants)
Training fee: PHP1500 per person, includes materials, lunch and snacks. 
Please deposit to BPI,Solraya Enterprises, C/A 3535-8057-24.  After deposit, email so we can send you registration forms. 

EARLY BIRD RATE:  PHP1000 good for registration on or before November 18.

Notes: Training will start on time at 8:00 AM